Saturday, December 11, 2010

C kissed me... We were in the pool and he was holding onto me and we kissed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Puzzle Piece Three

I am a leo. That my astrological sign. No I am not hitting on you. It means I like theatrics. Sometimes I wonder what sort of afterlife we have. I wouldn't mind dying. I don't want to though and it definitly won't be by my hand. I have many questions that noone has anwsers to. People are always telling me I think a bit to much and not about the right stuff. What do you think about?

Poem 1

Its cold and raining
and she is inside
she's caught in her head
she's lost in her lies
she can't claw her way out
it would leave her mad
so she sits there waiting
for death

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Puzzle Piece Two

I like poems. I like to write them and I like to read them. I wrote this one today:
A Sleeping Dream
Her life is made from
the dreams that she has
without them she would crumble
slowly succumb to the
modern day
poison of technology
I do not talk of her
the insomnia killing her sleep it
makes the dreams harder to come by
so hard that she has hold on to the dreams
with a tight grip
so they do not slip away
so she does not turn rubble
like the twin towers on 9/11
sometimes if you look into the windows
of sleep
you will hear her voice grabbing onto
to hold onto her life

Monday, November 29, 2010

Regular day 1

Today I went to school. I saw C who is my crush. I saw A but she got sick and to go home I feel bad for A. I also saw M who just got over a cold. Today wasn't awkward like I thought it would be because C told me my new nickname was Kawaii-san

Puzzle Piece One

My life so far is a million puzzle pieces with one piece missing. My views on death is a place to start. I believe that life is a dream when whoever is dreaming wakes up, we die. I am not dead, I am thirteen. I hope this person doesn't wake up anytime soon. One of my first memories is of my dad giving me his jacket as a blanket in preschool, this is one of the only nice memories I have of my dad. My dad is a jerk. When I was five in kindergarten we were painting rainbows with watercolors I painted mine all the colors and added black, my teacher told me I had ruined it, but it was my creativity. What is this world without creativity? It is nothing. Nothing but millions of souls living for the sake of routine.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is my blog of my life, I will be random. I will tell you crap like your my diary (just with different names), and I will maybe just once in a while tell you how to paint a tree or cook macaroni and cheese. Also, don't expect me to post because I'll probably forget once and a while. So take a step into my life and it's hell, heaven, and earth.